South America

An investigation has found out that the 13 November 2018 attack on Lasalin was government-orchestrated and was executed by the police in collaboration with criminal elements.

Edward Seaga
Source: The Tribune

Edward Seaga will be remembered, as a man who advanced thuggery, violence and dehumanisation in the Jamaican society and who left the office of Prime Minister devoid of dignity, authority and values. 

Women street vendors in Haiti

Market women carry on Haiti’s irrepressible fight for human dignity and freedom.

Haitian masses demonstrate against austerity and imperialist domination on 7 Feb. 2019

Mass demonstrations against imperialist hegemony have rocked the western hemisphere’s poorest nation of Haiti. 

Picture source: The Hill

This is a summary of a historic week for Argentina at the heart of the current economic turmoil. 
