Ike Nahem


The author writes about the current trade wars between the United States of America and its allies and their potential impact on global capital. 

Revolutionary Cuba today – and this is the living legacy of Fidel Castro – has become, in word and deed, the leading voice for working people and oppressed nations and peoples everywhere. In the worldwide Battle of Ideas that Fidel stressed continually, the Cuban Revolution is the living, resonant, politically attractive socialist alternative to today’s capitalist world disorder with its grotesque inequality and permanent fueling of war.

The last two weeks of October 1962, 55 years ago, was the closest the world has come so far to a widespread nuclear exchange in what has become known as the “Cuban Missile Crisis.” 


The Che of mythology is presented as a starry-eyed utopian idealist. But the actual Ernesto Guevara was a voracious reader and highly cultured man of science, a revolutionist of action deeply grounded in theoretical study and practical experience. That is the man whose life and work still resonates with the social justice struggles of the world today, half a century after America murdered him.