
As the US goes through its mid-term elections, Barack Obama's positive presidential campaign is now being qualified with 'terms and condition apply', says Gado.

With Chile's trapped miners freed, Hollywood will be quick to capitalise on the rescue, according to Gado.

Egypt under Hosni Mubarak is economic progress with political paralysis, says Gado.

Gado depicts Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete begging for funds.

Gado considers reactions were Mugabe to die.

Gado's latest cartoon captures the contrast between the United Nation's response to Rwanda's genocide and its recent report on the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Rwanda President Paul Kagame and security…

Gado's latest cartoon depicts Goodluck Jonathan's intentions for the Nigerian presidential race.

Gado's latest cartoons…

Gado's latest cartoon…
